Please share some of the experiences you may have had with corruption.
Assignment 1
Session 1
Defining corruption & identifying types of corruption26:44
Session 2
Causes of corruption16:13
Is poverty a good reason for people to engage in corrupt practices?
Session 3
Consequences of corruption13:27
Will increasing salaries stop public sector corruption?
Group Exercise
Session 4
Should death penalty be given to corrupt offenders? if yes why, if no why
Assignment 2
Session 5
Role of teachers in tackling corruption08:34
What class should we begin the teaching of anti- corruption education?
Session 6
Assessing corruption17:42
Do you already teach children about anti- corruption in your schools? If you do, what does it involve?
Wrapping Up04:00
Entry points to tackling corruption
This session will look at possible entry points to tackling some of the key drivers of corruption.
Scroll down to the Dialogue Box to ask your questions and to engage with other participants
Once you have completed a lesson, kindly click on Complete Lesson to go to the next lesson.
Enjoy the lesson!
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